Thursday, September 4, 2008

-I was listening to this rapper and he said that he wrote a song right after he got shot 7 times and then he played it and it was like; "Yeah, laying on the ground I look up at the sky and see the stars of my hometown..." That seems pretty calm for a song you wrote right after you got shot. If I got shot 7 times and wrote a song directly after I got shot it would be more like; "AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! WHO THE FUCK JUST SHOT ME IN THE LEG!!??? WHY DID THEY SHOOT ME?!!! OH MY GOD! THEY'RE STILL SHOOTING!!! HOW MANY TIMES ARE THEY GONNA SHOOT ME?!!! SOMEONE MAKE THEM STOP SHOOTING ME SO MUCH!! GET THE GUN AWAY FROM HIM ALREADY!! IS HE EVER GONNA RUN OUT OF BULLETS?!!" And then the rest of the song would just be me crying.

-I saw a bunch of signs people were holding at the RNC and they said; "McCain-Palin-Country First" Is there any candidate that is not running on that platform? Are there ever candidates that are like; "My stance is country 4th and nachos 1st!" Every candidate is putting the country first. They're going to be running the country! What else would they put first? Republicans are not taking a postition that's unique. They're just saying things that every normal person would be behind. That's like if they made campaign signs that said; "MCCAIN/PALIN-NO PUNCHING BABIES IN THE FACE!"

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