Thursday, July 3, 2008

-Christie Brinkley's husband cheated on her with a smokingly hot 18 year old girl and apparently spent thousands of dollars on internet porn. Man, he is such a....guy. Everyone's so up in arms about it, mainly women, but all of us guys are deep down like, "Well he is a dude and the chick was really hot." I know a bunch of older married dudes who are like "I would never cheat on my wife with an 18 year old girl." Yeah, that's cause no 18 year old chicks will bang you. If they would then you would fuck them. And he spent thousands on porn because he's a millionaire and to him 20 grand is like me spending 30 bucks on porn. It's all relative.

And it serves Christie Brinkley right that this dude did that. That guy looks like such a douche and you know he was a douche from the start. I'm sure he did douchey things before this. I'm sure everyone knew he was a dick. You always see these hot chicks with total assholes so I don't feel bad when the asshole finally fucks them over. You knew what you were getting into. I'm sure there were a million nice guys that Christie shit on before marrying this dude.

It's like when Tatum O'Neal married John McEnroe and then after they got divorced she was like "He was a mean bully." Yeah! He's John McEnroe! You didn't know he was a dick before you married him? Everyone knows he's a dick. You never watched him play tennis on national TV Tatum? That's like marrying Idi Amin and being like "Ya know, he's kinda moody and a control freak. I had no idea."

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